New stuff!

July 3, 2024

We now have a music section on our Stuff page! Now you can listen to the stuff from our stuff without needing stuff! Also there's a page for that game we're not working on yet so that's cool.



July 2, 2024

I accidentally broke the site's layout. So uh, just give it a bit and it'll be better and cool and stuff. I promise. (Maybe)


New stuff

July 1, 2024

We finally updated this site, we have cool stuff here now.



November 30, 2023

Today, for a few minutes, the website was turned into a walrus because I felt like it. If you ever want to experience that again (or for the first time if you missed it), we have a backuphere.


MOTHER: Rebound releases today!

October 26, 2023

I can't believe that this hack is finally releasing! Thank you for being interested about our hack over the years!


One day left.

October 25, 2023


Two days left.

October 24, 2023


Three days left.

October 23, 2023


One week until MOTHER: Rebound releases!

October 19, 2023

Can you believe it guys? MOTHER: Rebound, just a week away! MOTHER: Rebound releases in a week! Woohoo! I am so happy about this information.

Team Psionics has a website!

October 18, 2023

Welcome to the official Team Psionics website! Here, you'll find lots of cool stuff like MOTHER: Rebound, a sidebar, and the color red!